Sustainable Living Challenge Pledge

Healthy Homes Pledge

A healthy home provides you a clean, fresh, and comfortable place to live. It also provides peace of mind by keeping you and your family safe from harmful toxins. You can keep your home healthy by taking simple actions indoors and by making healthy purchasing.

Please fill out the pledge form below on what sustainable behaviors you actively engage in or pledge to do in the future!

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I am already doing, or pledge to do, at least five of the following:
Reduce or eliminate contaminants in my apartment’s air to keep my family/roommates from getting sick.
Chemical-based household supplies and many cleaning products, air fresheners, and candles release harmful chemicals called volatile organic compounds into the air. These chemicals can irritate our eyes or throats, trigger asthma attacks or headaches and even, over time, cause cancer. For a quick read with good advice, check out USA Today’s ”5 Reasons to Use Safe, Natural Cleaning Products.”
If you have children:
Keep my apartment clean to avoid triggering allergies, asthma, fatigue, and digestive issues.
Many of the things that cause poor air quality are odorless. Dust and dirt contribute to what is called particle pollution, which can trigger respiratory problems (including asthma flare-ups), fatigue and tiredness, and even digestive issues. Minimizing how much dirt you bring into your home and cleaning regularly can lessen particle pollution.
Educate my neighbors about how to keep their apartments healthy.
Share what you know about healthy homes and encourage your neighbors to follow your lead. Together, we can make our apartment community healthy and safe for everyone.

Interested in learning more about healthy homes?  Check out the Green Home Guide’s ideas for basic, better, and best steps to healthy indoor air.